Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Sorry, it's been so quiet around here this week. I actually have some things to share with you, but right now life is turned a little upside down here in Nashville.

Even though we ourselves are OK, this is what surrounds us and has become a big part of my day. The road I go down to get to work is still flooded, so it's still taking me about an hour to get to work. The enormity of the situation and the devastation is just horrible! Everyone knows someone who's belongings or even their house is ruined. One of the girls I work with is still stuck on her street with no way to get out even though her house if fine. It's all just crazy.

Here's an article
that has done a good job of compiling images from the area. Quite a few of them were taken just a couple of miles from either where I live or where I work, like the one below.

Luckily it has been sunny since Monday, but Friday it's supposed to rain. . .hopefully just a sprinkle, because I'm not sure we can handle any more than that.



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