The family was invited to spend the day with Big's best friend who started attending a new school this fall. So it was an extra special treat.
Their neighborhood really does Halloween right!!
Festivities start around 1 with games & a bounce house for the kids and lots of food and treats for all.
Once it starts to get dark, all the families meet back up in costume and load onto a hay wagon. The hayride carts the kiddos (with all the parents following in mass) to the bottom of each cul-de-sac, the kids dis-embark, scatter and basically overrun the neighboring front porches in their frantic quest for candy.
They then re-converge at the top of the cul-de-sac, ride to the next one and repeat.
It was a lot of fun. :)
Big scored major points as the only non- princess/fairy/ballerina.
It was the most perfect costume for her.
She was ridiculously cute.
Little on the other hand won points for have the biggest tutu amongst the princess/fairy/ballerina crowd.
In other news. . . I may have been a bit quiet around here this last week, but not for lack of working on something for you!
I now have an official website!!!
Don't worry, all the content you love from this blog (and even your comments!) has all been imported onto the new site. You won't miss a thing. It will however allow me to create a much more versatile site moving forward.
So, go check it out here!!
AND make sure to update your feeds and/or links!
I will try to post on both sites for a little while and give you ample reminders — don't want to loose anyone in the move — but eventually, will be the only site that I will continue to update.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!!
xoxo Lori Danelle
I feel much better after reading this post! It looks like everyone survived the fail and probably won't even remember it. Whew!