It's been residing in my basement for the last couple of years, so I need to do a little, uh, clean up on it before I can show it to you with the full pride that I feel. :) Sadly, it's also a glimpse into my creative insanity.
Also, coming next week, (drum roll please!) I'll be sharing a tutorial for how I made my toddler pallet bed. Only seems fair that you should be able to make one for yourself! :)
Oh! Last night I had a very enjoyable girls night out! No idea the last time I did that was. My friend Jenny and I had dinner, browsed around Anthropologie dreaming over dresses that are way too impractical for a Mommy with littles :) and finding inspiration for new projects in their store dressings. Ended the evening with coffee, talking & lots of laughing. It was fun to have someone to talk to about blogging, creativity, children, and what has happened to our bodies post babies(?!?!!?)! (those of you without kids, I'm sorry, things happen that it's best just not to know about yet. there's a reason no one talks about it.)
I came unprepared & did not have a camera. Jenny however did, so you can see a glimpse into our evening over at her blog.
Hope everyone has an amazing weekend! I'll see you on Monday!
xoxo—Lori Danelle
just checked your night out at jen's blog :) and will anxiously wait for the palette bed tutorial. have a great weekend yourself!