1. When I get a day to myself I like to SLEEP!!!! :) Followed by some laying around, reading, and maybe doing some creative work I haven't found time to do otherwise. If I have a day to myself AND some money, Anthropologie is always a good option too.
2. High school was.... Full of great memories and a handful of not so great ones as well. In high school, I tried so hard to fit in & be like everyone else. . .only to graduate and spend the years since trying to stand out. (not in an attention-seeking way, but in a not-following-the-masses sort of way.
3. A little dream I have is to see Harry Connick jr in concert. I think I should be able to accomplish this one . .. .
4. A big dream I have is quit my day job and be successful through my own creative endeavors. Oh, and to be Amy Butler. We said BIG dream, right? .
5. If I could drive any car my pick would be a Jeep Wrangler or Mini Cooper. I love the moxy of a girl driving a Wrangler, but ever since seeing The Italian Job, a little part of me would love to learn to drive like they do in a little zesty car .
6. A time that I felt really and truly beautiful was Oy! Still too self-conscious for that one! Working on it though!! However, snuggling with my girls and knowing how I felt about my own Momma as a young child makes me feel pretty beautiful and confident. They might be little, but their love is pretty big .
7. Tomorrow I will.... tackling my very long to do list. And perhaps call the doctor. I have a sneaking suspicion that I have an ulcer. Oh joy. :) I've been wondering how I've gotten by without one lately!!
I'm linked up here. Join me!
xoxo Lori Danelle